Cannabis and Sleep

Let’s face it - everyone can benefit from getting better sleep at night. If you’re constantly tired throughout the day, struggle to concentrate, sick all the time, or can’t seem to lose weight, then you may need more restorative sleep at night.

If you’re using cannabis at night, then you may already be experiencing better sleep. But you can take your results one step further by focusing on either THC or CBD.

In this guide, we’ll discuss why restorative sleep is so important for health and how THC and/or CBD can help you get there.

Why Is Sleep Important?Cannabis and Sleep

Lots of things happen in your body when you sleep - your body and brain don’t just shut down during this time. Your internal organs and bodily processes are hard at work repairing themselves.

In fact, sleep is needed for all aspects of your health and body, in one way or another - whether it be to balance energy levels, support molecular processes, or provide intellectual support.

You do not function at your best when you’re tired. Sleep helps you have quicker reflexes, better focus and attention to detail, and clearer thought processes. Research shows that people who sleep better operate at a different level than people who don’t.

This is because sleep isn’t just essential for the brain. It affects every tissue and cell in our bodies, including growth, development, stress hormones, immune health, appetite, weight, breathing, blood pressure, and heart health.

Cannabis and SleepStudies show that lack of sleep increases the risk of heart disease, infections, diabetes, and obesity. It also helps control cortisol levels so you don’t feel as stressed out during the day.

As you sleep throughout the night, your blood pressure and breathing rate rise and fall, which is a process that is important for heart health.

Also, your body releases hormones that help your cells repair themselves and control how you use spare energy. These hormones can even affect your weight by increasing or decreasing leptin levels - the hormone that helps control appetite.

Proper sleep is also needed to regulate insulin levels, which can affect your weight and how your body stores spare energy.

Additionally, sleep can also control how your immune system response to vaccinations, making them either more effective or less effective.

Can Weed Help You Sleep?Cannabis and Sleep

To achieve restorative sleep, you need to aim for four to five sleep cycles each night. This includes periods of deep sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Adults need between seven and eight hours of sleep at night, but this isn’t always easy to get.

Factors such as stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and depression can make it hard for us to fall asleep and stay asleep. While there are things you can do to improve sleep at night - such as going to bed and waking up at the same time every day - many people turn to weed to help fall asleep and stay asleep.

Research shows that cannabis can help you sleep better because it has a modulatory effect on serotonin and adenosine production, which can help you feel more relaxed, content, and sleepy.

Cannabis can also help control your breathing and put you in a relaxed state, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. However, there are some key differences between the effects of THC and CBD on sleep.

Cannabis and SleepAccording to one study, CBD may have potential therapeutic actions for the treatment of insomnia. The authors found that THC may help decrease the amount of time that it takes you to fall asleep. THC may also reduce nightmares associated with PTSD and help improve sleep among patients with chronic pain

Another study found that the sedative effects of THC may help promote sleep because it increases metabolism in the prefrontal brain region to alleviate insomnia, but that heavy marijuana use may lead to more sleep disturbances.

Remember that when trying to determine whether THC or CBD is better for you, keep in mind that everyone had a different reaction to weed. It all boils down to how your endocannabinoid system works - and this may vary depending on several factors, including what method you use, the time of day you use weed, and even stress or underlying inflammation.

For example, you might find that even though CBD helps promote balance and calmness, it’s the THC that you need to get to sleep where your body can successfully restore itself.

Here are some ways you can use weed to help boost restorative sleep at night:

  • Try adding a drop of THC or CBD tincture under the tongue before bed
  • Take a few puffs of an Indica strain at night to promote relaxation without feeling overly sedated
  • Consume or ingest weed about an hour before bed to help regulate the body’s natural sleep cycle so you can fall asleep naturally
  • Avoid high THC strains at night if you feel overly stressed and anxious as this may worsen these thoughts
  • Consult your Dr before mixing cannabis with other sleep medications.

Final Thoughts

Cannabis and Sleep

Cannabis is an effective way to help get more restorative sleep, which is needed for all aspects of health, including better immune health, mood and cognition, weight and blood sugar control, and more.

While there are many things you can do to help you sleep better, many people find relief when they smoke weed at night.

Research shows that while THC will help you fall asleep faster, CBD is the compound to focus on if you want better long-term restorative sleep.

Do you consume Cannabis to help get a better night’s sleep? Let us know in the comments below!