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CannaCo Anxiety Relief Nano CBD Spray - Spearmint

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Quick Overview

Ever felt that pressure on your chest, like you are trying to breathe but having to work extra hard to get that breath you actually need? That’s anxiety…. This can make getting through your day very difficult and scary. Our Anxiety Spray Nano CBD will help with that. it will help to relax you making your breathing much easier.

10mg CBD Nano Spray
Spearmint Flavour

Ingredients: Hemp-derived CBD Nano, Natural Spearmint Flavor, Agave Syrup.

With Nano CBD it will take effect much quicker than regular CBD. For people that have regular anxiety, this is a great product to always keep with you in your vehicle as we never know when anxiety will hit you.
minus plus


Ever felt that pressure on your chest, like you are trying to breathe but having to work extra hard to get that breath you actually need? That’s anxiety…. This can make getting through your day very difficult and scary. Our Anxiety Spray Nano CBD will help with that. it will help to relax you making your breathing much easier. 10mg CBD Nano Spray Spearmint Flavour Ingredients: Hemp-derived CBD Nano, Natural Spearmint Flavor, Agave Syrup. With Nano CBD it will take effect much quicker than regular CBD. For people that have regular anxiety, this is a great product to always keep with you in your vehicle as we never know when anxiety will hit you.

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